Friday, January 22, 2021

Freshwater Fish ornate paradise fish


This is one of the most beautiful freshwater fish in the country. The clear blue-green floral patterns on the fins enhance their beauty. The specialty of these fish, unlike other fish, is that they do not get water-soluble oxygen through the gills and come to the surface from time to time to get normal air from the atmosphere. There is a triangular area between Colombo, Galle and Ratnapura districts. It has slow-flowing streams with a well-shaded muddy bottom. Zoologists say Malpulutta is confined to these waterways.Endemic to Sri Lanka.

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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Freshwater Fish Purplehead barb or Black ruby barb or Pethia nigrofasciata

Purplehead barb or Black ruby barb

Scientific name: Pethia nigrofasciata
        Bulathhapa, an endemic fish species of Sri Lanka, is extremely rare and endangered.

The wet zone up to 300 m above sea level up to the Kelani and Nilwala river valleys is inhabited by clean and slow flowing waterways.

Grows up to 6cm long.

It is a valuable fish species with a mixed body color of red, black, silver and yellow-gray.

They are included in the Red Data Book and are banned from exporting. Lifespan is about 5 years.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Freshwater fish in Sri Lanka


Freshwater Fishes are endemic to ecosystems such as rivers, streams, tanks and ponds spread all over Sri Lanka. cies recorded only in the freshwater environment.
Of these, 53 species are endemic to Sri Lanka.
This native freshwater fish is classified into 18 species and 14 species.
According to a Red Data Report on Endangered Species in 2012, about 45 species of freshwater fish in Sri Lanka are endangered.
Of these, 39 species are endemic. .
Three major Fisheries Zones in Sri Lanka have also been introduced.
  1. Southwest Zone - Wet zone areas from Attanagallu Oya basin to Nilwala river basin.
  2. Mahaweli Zone - Area in the Mahaweli river basin
  3. Management Dry Zone - All other dry zone areas except the above areas
Although our country is very rich in fish resources, as mentioned earlier, their existence is threatened by deforestation. increased use of chemicals, deforestation, gem mining, export activities and other human activities. So it is the duty of each and every one of us to protect our fish resources.

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